family photography


What if 10, 15, 20 years fly by faster than you thought, and before you know it all you’ve got are some pictures on your phone?

Every family has a story to tell. And I would love to tell yours.

Sabina Mišmaš




Read below to see what my clients have to say about me.

  • Amazing! One of the best photo experience so far! 🙂 It was a privilege! Lenart Perko  
    Lenart Perko
  • I am a high school student from Slovenia, studying foreign languages in Austria. Since the high school (and earlier) I shared a special interest for photography. My parents suggested me to intend a photo workshop with Ms. Sabina Mišmaš. (After all the school obligations) On my first workshop I had no idea how the camera operates, I only had a mobile phone an eye for a frame and good will. Now I am working on my new camera simultaneously and always get an opportunity to test and work on a professional equipment as well. After every photo workshop with Ms Sabina Mišmaš, I think my knowledge drastically improves, she knows how to adjust theories so it sounds interesting and fun. I don’t fell the pressure of learning and indeed I am, all day long- while having fun. I find Sabina’s individual photo workshops relaxed, artistic, challenging, educational and inspirational. I already wonder what is waiting for me on my next assignment. Street, landscape, experimental...? Participant, Tjaša Rozman
  • I would like to share a few words about this special woman who fell in love with the atmosphere of our homestead Globočnik. She is a beautiful positive woman, a quiet photographer and real storyteller. We have become a good friends! Sabina is a traveler so she doesn't come as often as we would like to, but It's always a pleasure to see her every time she does. Thank you for everything and safe journey wherever you are. Vinko&Nika
  • All rights reserved by Mismas photography.
    I met Sabina in 2017 when she was working on a project about beauties of Gorenjska region. A synergy was held between us the first moment we met. We knew that together we will create something special. She is attentive, full of energy and always smiling. She goes with me on various events and perfectly captures those most important moments. Sabina is a stories narrator and her stories are perfectly packed into the world of photography. I strongly recommend.
    Dr. Peter Florjančič
    Inventor Peter Florjančič